Jumat, 28 November 2014

MathWorks Matlab R2013b - CYGiSO FUll

MATLAB ® adalah bahasa tingkat tinggi dan lingkungan yang interaktif untuk perhitungan numerik, visualisasi, dan pemrograman.Menggunakan MATLAB, Anda dapat menganalisis data, mengembangkan algoritma, dan membuat model dan aplikasi.Bahasa, peralatan, dan built-in fungsi matematika memungkinkan Anda untuk menjelajahi beberapa pendekatan dan mencapai solusi lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan spreadsheet atau bahasa pemrograman tradisional, seperti C / C + + atau Java ™. Anda dapat menggunakan MATLAB untuk berbagai aplikasi, termasuk pemrosesan sinyal dan komunikasi, gambar dan pemrosesan video, sistem kontrol, uji dan pengukuran, keuangan komputasi, dan biologi komputasi. Lebih dari satu juta insinyur dan ilmuwan di industri dan akademisi menggunakan MATLAB, bahasa komputasi teknis.

Screenshoot :

 How To Active :
  • 1. Mount image cyg-mathworks_matlab_r2013b
  • 2. Forward to launching installation dialog box if it does not go to the root directory and run setup.exe
  • 3. Select Install without using the Internet (Installing without internet)
  • 4. Agree with the license (Preferably read it)
  • 5. Choose "I have the File Installation Key for my license:
  • 6. Find us desired key in the file X: CYGiSO readme, copy it and paste it in the dialog box
  • 7. order that would see what he'll put in the Installation Type window, select Custom
  • 8. Next, choose the installation path (it is desirable not to change)
  • 9. Enjoying what we offer to deliver and, if necessary put a tick next to those modules that we need.
  • 10. If there is not necessary to us module back on item number 6. If we are satisfied click next
  • 11. If the Windows Product overwrite respond to your discretion. This window asks you to reinstall already installed modules. (It is desirable to answer Yes to all)
  • 12. After installation you will be asked to confirm the license to choose without internet and then specify the path to X : CYGiSO license.dat
  • 13. Go to the folder "X: CYGiSO " and copy the files are replaced with the contents of the x64 (x86) in MATLAB R2013b bin win64 (win86-folder may be different since it is not installed on win 32. Main swap file libmwservices.dll)
  • 14. Run MATLAB R2013b and rejoice.

MathWorks Matlab R2013b - CYGiSO FUll Crack

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